After the storm

A rare day of quiet breeze and bright sun tempted us out of Dartmouth harbour and then west along the coast. The storm had refashioned the coastline quite dramatically and the abundant recent rain added extra drama. A fine waterfall descended into Shiglehill Cove.

shiglehill cove

Much sand had been washed away, so it was a bumpy landing for our morning break.

tim at shiglehill cove

The most serious casualty of the storm on our route is the bridge which took the coast path over a narrow canyon. It appears in the previous post, but now only the concrete foundation block remains.

Eugene at the vanished bridge

Returning past Dartmouth castle, the force of the storm is shown by the twisted remains of the lead rainwater pipe.

dartmouth caste rain drain

Even in the harbour there was considerable damage to the walls. The clouds were gathering again as we went ashore by the higher ferry. Next day, the rain resumed.
