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Publications by Tim Padfield |
'Conservation Physics', An online textbook in serial form: www.conservationphysics.org/
Tim Padfield, Morten Ryhl-Svendsen, Poul Klenz Larsen, Lars Aasbjerg Jensen
A Review of the Physics and the Building Science which Underpins Methods of Low Energy Storage of Museum and Archive Collections (2018) Studies in Conservation, 63:sup1, 209-215
DOI: 10.1080/00393630.2018.1504456
Tim Padfield, Morten Ryhl-Svendsen,Poul Klenz Larsen, Mette Jacobsen, Lars Aasbjerg Jensen The Climate Control of the Arnamagnæan Archive. In: Driscoll, Matthew James (editor), Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 16 pages 35 - 46. Proceedings of the sixteenth international seminar, University of Copenhagen 13 - 15 April 2016. Published 2018, Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen. ISBN 978-87-635-4620-1 ISSN 1602-1339.
Klenz Larsen, Poul; Aasbjerg Jensen, Lars; Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten; Padfield, Tim. 'The microclimate within a Neolithic passage grave.' ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints: Copenhagen, 4–8 September 2017. Edited by Janet Bridgland. Paris : ICOM-CC, International Committee of Museums, 2017. p. 1-9 1512.
Padfield, Tim; Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten; Klenz Larsen, Poul; Mette, Jacobsen; Aasbjerg Jensen, Lars. "Climate Control of the Arnamagnæan Archive." Papyrus - International Association of Museum Facility Aministrators, Vol. 15, Nr. 3, 2014, s. 33-36. (Superseded by the article listed above with the same title)
Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten; Aasbjerg Jensen, Lars; Klenz Larsen, Poul; Bøhm, Benny; Padfield, Tim. "A museum building controlled by solar energy." Ashley-Smith, Jonathan ; Burmester, Andreas; Eibl, Melanie (editors). Climate for Collections: Standards and Uncertainties. London : Archetype, 2013. p 141.
Poul Klenz Larsen, Morten Ryhl-Svendsen, Lars Aasbjerg Jensen, Benny Bøhm and Tim Padfield, Konstantes Raumklima und niedriger Energie verbrauch - kein Widerspruch', Restauro 2012 nr 7, 53-60
Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten; Aasbjerg Jensen, Lars; Klenz Larsen, Poul; Bøhm, Benny; Padfield, Tim; Ultra-low-energy museum storage Bridgeland, Janet (editor); Preprints: 16th Triennial Conference, Lisbon 19-23 September 2011.
Tim Padfield & Lars Aasbjerg Jensen, 'Humidity buffering of building interiors by absorbent materials Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Tampere, Finland May 2011 pp 475 - 482.
Morten Ryhl-Svendsen, Lars Aasbjerg Jensen, Poul Klenz Larsen and Tim Padfield Does a standard temperature need to be constant? - Paper delivered at the Going Green conference at the British Museum, April 2009. Published in Meddelelser om konservering nr 1, 2010 pp13-20
Klenz Larsen, Poul; Aasbjerg Jensen, Lars; Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten; Padfield, Tim. Museumsbygninger med lavt energiforbrug. In: Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark, 2009, s. 121-136. (Danish with English summary and captions)
Simple climate control in archives is hindered by too strict standards Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries. Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, (2008) pp 1429-1436 ISBN 978-87-7877-265-7.
Tim Padfield and Karen Borchersen, Editors, Museum Microclimates. Contributions to the conference in Copenhagen, The National Museum of Denmark, November 2007
Why keep climate records - and how to keep them, in Museum Microclimates (see above) pp 157 - 166
Tim Padfield, Poul Klenz Larsen, Lars Aasbjerg Jensen and Morten Ryhl-Svendsen, The potential and limits for passive air conditioning of museums, stores and archives. Museum Microclimates (see above) pp 191 - 198
Exploring the limits for passive indoor climate control In: The Getty Institution's 'Experts Roundtable on Sustainable Climate Management Strategies', Tenerife 25 - 27 April 2007.
Odlyha, M., N. Wade, Q. Wang, R. Campana , J. M. Slater, B. Ormsby, M. Rhyl Svendsen, T. Padfield, F. De Santis, V. A. Smith, L. Bullock, E. S. B. Ferreira, J. J. Boon, K. Pratt 2005. "Microclimate Indoor Monitoring: Damage Assessment for Cultural Heritage Preservation." In: 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: Preprints (ICOM Committee for Conservation), Isabelle Verger, 670-676. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd.
Padfield, Tim, Poul Klenz Larsen 2005. Low-Energy Air Conditioning of Archives. In: 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: Preprints (ICOM Committee for Conservation), Isabelle Verger, 677-80. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd. Also published in the Journal of the Society of Archivists 27 (2006) 213 - 226.
'Designing a Museum Store' in Magasinbygningens fysik og funktion, edited by Maj Ringgaard et al., Copenhagen (2005) 41-43, ISBN 87-990583-0-8.
Tim Padfield and Poul Klenz Larsen. 'Designing museums with a naturally stable climate'. Studies in Conservation (2004) 49 pp 131-137.
Carsten Rode, Andreas Holm and Tim Padfield. 'A review of humidity buffering in the interior spaces.' Journal of thermal envelope and building science, 2004, volume 27 no 3 pp 221-226. This is a summary of the following paper:
Carsten Rode, Kurt K. Hansen, Tim Padfield, Berit Time, Tuomo Ojanen, Jesper Arfvidsson.Nordtest Workshop on moisture buffer capacity - summary report, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, August 2003, Report BYG-DTU R-067 2003, ISSN 1601-2917, ISBN 87-7877-129-3
Morten Ryhl-Svendsen and Tim Padfield, 'Præventiv Konservering: at forebygge er bedre end at helbrede', Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 2003, 101-117. (Preventive conservation) In Danish with English summary and picture captions.
Morten Ryhl-Svendsen, Tim Padfield, Victoria A. Smith, Franco De Santis. 'The indoor climate in historic buildings without mechanical ventilation'. Healthy Buildings 2003, pp 278-283.
Tim Padfield, Henriette Berg, Nina Dahlstrøm and Anna-Grethe Rischel. 'How to protect glazed pictures from climatic insult'. Proceedings of the Rio de Janiero conference of the International Council of Museums - Committee for Conservation. ed. Roy Vontobel, London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd. Sept 2002. pp 80 - 85.
Tim Padfield, Ruut Peuhkuri, Carsten Rode, Kurt Kielsgaard Hansen, 'Non-isothermal water vapour transmission through porous insulation. Part 1: The climate chamber' Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Norway, June 17-19, 2002, 413-420 ISBN: 82-91412-02-2
Ruut Peuhkuri, Tim Padfield, Carsten Rode, Kurt Kielsgaard Hansen, 'Non-Isothermal water vapour transmission through porous insulation. Part 2: Measurements', Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Norway, June 17-19, 2002, 421-428
Carsten Rode, Teruaki Mitamura, Jørgen Schultz, Tim Padfield, 'Test cell measurements of moisture buffer effects', Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Norway, June 17-19, 2002, 619-626, ISBN: 82-91412-02-2
Padfield, Tim; Klenz Larsen, Poul; Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten. "Arkiv-indeklima : brug tunge konstruktioner i Rigsarkivet." Ingeniøren, Nr. 43, 2002, p 2.
Kurt K. Hansen, Carsten Rode, Ernst J. de Place Hansen, Tim Padfield, Finn Kristiansen, 'Experimental Investigation of the Hygrothermal Performance of Insulation Materials', Performance of exterior envelopes of whole buildings VIII, Clearwater beach, Florida, Dec 2-7 2001, ISBN 1-883413-96-6. http://www.confex.com/store/ashrae/buildings8index.htm
'Condensation in film containers during cooling and warming', Proceedings of the conference 'Preserve, then Show', The Danish Film Institute, Copenhagen, December 2001, published September 2002
'On the usefulness of water absorbent materials in museum walls', Proceedings of the 12th triennial meeting of the Committee for Conservation of the International Council of Museums, Lyon 1999. vol.2 pp 83-87 (This version has a serious printing error; use the linked version)
'Humidity buffering of the indoor climate by absorbent walls', Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries. Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg. 1999 vol.2 pp 637 - 644.
(with Ernst Jan de Place Hansen and Kurt Kielsgaard Hansen) 'Measured Moisture Properties for Alternative Insulation Products'. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries. Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg. 1999 vol.2 pp 121 - 128.
'The role of absorbent building materials in moderating changes of relative humidity', Ph.d. thesis, Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, Technical University of Denmark,Report R-54 1999. ISBN 87-7740-256-1. Also available from the author on CD-ROM and from the web site mentioned above.
'A climate chamber that controls water vapour flux', Third International Symposium on Humidity and Moisture, National Physical Laboratory, London 1998, vol 2 pp 57-63
'Low Energy Climate Control in Museum Stores - a postscript', Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Conference, Edinburgh, September 1996, vol 1 pp 68-71.
(with Annabel Robinson) 'The climate behind pictures mounted against the outer walls of the Chapel of Ledreborg, Denmark', Proceedings of the ICOM-Conservation Committee Conference in Edinburgh, September 1996 vol 1 pp 72-75.
(with Jesper Stub Johnsen) 'The Breath of Arrhenius: climate control in photographic archives', in: Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation, Editors: Mogens Koch, Jesper Stub Johnsen, Tim Padfield, Ulla Kejser, Copenhagen 1996, pp 59-63.
Tim Padfield & Jesper Stub Johnsen,"Preservation of photographs in a humidity-controlled freezer"
Studies in Conservation, Volume 39, 1994 - Issue sup1: Preventive Conservation Practice, Theory and Research: Summaries of the Posters at the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September 1994
(with Peder Bøllingtoft, Bent Eshøj, Mads Chr. Christensen) 'The wall paintings of Gundsømagle church, Denmark', Preprints of the IIC conference, Ottawa 1994 pp 94-8.
'Wood as a buffer of relative humidity', Materialnyt (Journal of the Danish Society for Testing and Research on Materials) nr.1, 1994, pp 46-52.
'The role of standards and guidelines: are they a substitute for understanding a problem or a protection against the consequences of ignorance?', in: Durability and Change, Edited by Krumbein, W. E. et al. Wiley 1994, pp191-99.
(with Bent Eshøj) 'The use of porous building materials to provide a stable relative humidity', Preprints of the ICOM-CC Conference, Washington DC, 1993, pp 605-9.
(with Jens Glastrup) 'The thermal degradation of tetraethylene glycol, a model molecule for polyethylene glycol' ICOM-CC Conference, Washington DC, 1993 pp 251-6.
(with Knud Holm, Benni Berg and Ivan Weiss) 'The tile frieze on the Carlsberg Brewery's Dipylon Gate. Restoration 1987-91' (Den keramiske frise på Carlsbergs dipylonport. Restaurering 1987-91) Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark (Annual review of research at the National Museum of Denmark), 1993 pp107-21.
(with Janne Winsløw, W.B.Pedeersen and Jens Glastrup) 'Decomposition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on heating, ICOM- Conservation Committee Conference, Dresden, ed. Kirsten Grimstad, Paris: ICOM Committee for Conservation. 1990, 243-245.
'The effect of intermittent heating on the stability of wall paintings', Meddelelser om Konservering no. 5 - 6 (1990) pp. 238-249.(much of this material has been reworked in 'Conservation Physics')
(with Poul Jensen) 'Low energy climate control in museum stores', International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation, 9th triennial meeting, Dresden 1990 pp.596-601. (see also the sequel mentioned above).
25 minute video on museum climate - the control of humidity. Smithsonian Institution, Conservation Analytical Laboratory. 1987
A review of the 1989 Bologna Symposium, Science, technology and European cultural heritage published in Studies in Conservation 1992
(with David Erhardt) 'The Spontaneous Transfer to Glass of an Image of Joan of Arc'. Preprints of the Sydney Conference of the ICOM Conservation Committee, September 1987. (salt movement in porous materials)
'A Himalayan Legend describes an early example of science applied to the packing and transport of a work of art'. ICCM Bulletin (Australia), Vol. 13 pp 43 - 55, Dec. 1987. (A fantastic account of how wood buffers relative humidity. Printed wrong. Read instead: 'A Himalayan Legend' on the web site given at the top).
The Dangers of Installing Air Conditioning in Historic Buildings. In: Old Cultures in New Worlds: Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America, October 10-15, 1987: Symposium Papers, 432-39. Washington, DC: ICOMOS United States Committee. (this paper is the basis for several articles in 'Conservation Physics'
Climate control in archives and libraries. Preservation of Library Materials, (proceedings of the conference in Vienna) Editor: Merrily A. Smith, K.G.Saur, München 1987 pp124-38.
'Climate control in museums'. Preprints of the National Conference on Museum Security, Washington D.C., February 1986.
'A cooled display case', Museum 146 (1985) 102-103.
(with Martin Burke and David Erhardt), 'A cooled display case for George Washington's Commission'. Preprints, ICOM Conservation Committee, Copenhagen Conference 1984.
(with David Erhardt, Walter Hopwood and Nicholas Veloz) 'Durability of Incralac, examination of a ten year old treatment'. (Durability of lacquer on outdoor bronze) Preprints, ICOM Conservation Committee, Copenhagen Conference 1984.
(with David Erhardt and Walter Hopwood), 'Trouble in store' (damage caused by air pollutants emanating from materials), Preprints, IIC Washington Conference 1982.
(with David Erhardt), 'The copying of embossed images on paper', Preprints , Quebec conference of the IIC Canadian Group, 1982.
(with David Erhardt), 'Clear weather precipitation inside a museum: a case study in micrometeorology'. Preprints, ICOM Conservation Committee, Ottawa conference 1981 (a more up to date version is in my Ph.d, listed later).
(with David Erhardt and Walter Hopwood), 'Image transfer from textiles to glass'. Preprints of the Victoria Conference of the IIC Canadian group, 1981.(see the later expanded version: The Image of Joan of Arc)
'Analysis of Byzantine Coins by X-Ray methods' in: Methods of Chemical and Metallurgical Investigation of Ancient Coinage. Edited by E.T.Hall and D.M.Metcalf. Royal Numismatic Society, Special Publication no. 8, 1972, pp 219-236.
(with Alan Gray) Major element rock analysis by X-Ray fluorescence - a simple fusion method. Philips Bulletin FS 35, 1971
'The Deterioration of Cellulose - a literature review' in: Problems of Conservation in Museums, ICOM London 1969, pp 119-164.
'The design of museum showcases'. Preprints of the IIC London Conference, edited by G.Thomson, 1967.
'A simple ultra-violet radiation detector for museum use', Studies in Conservation 1967 12 1-4.
(with Sheila Landi) 'The light fastness of the natural dyes', Studies in Conservation 1966 11 181-196.
'The control of relative humidity and air pollution in showcases and picture frames'. Studies in Conservation 1966 11 8-30.
'The fading of the natural dyes', Proc. Delft Conference of IIC, 1963.(see a greatly expanded version later)
'Theories of the constitution of gases in the early nineteenth century', Oxford University thesis 1961. in pdf. Also as epub version.
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